The ANARE Club was formed in 1951 so members of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE) could celebrate their shared experiences and promote Australian Antarctic endeavour.


ANARE embraces the activities in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic of both government and non-government bodies and individuals, with a central focus on scientific research. Its membership includes:

  • Australian government agencies involved with Antarctic research and support, including the Antarctic Division itself, the Bureau of Meteorology, Geoscience Australia, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO); and
  • Non-government organisations, including Australian universities, other Australian research institutions and foreign research organisations.


The aims of the ANARE Club are to:
  • Provide a common contact point for ANARE and Australian Antarctic expeditioners.
  • Keep members in touch through ANARE Club activities, e.g. Midwinter dinners and various social events.
  • Foster relationships with the Australian Antarctic Division and current expeditioners.
  • Inform Club members of news, events and other items of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic interest.
  • Preserve ANARE history.
  • Promote interest in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic issues to the general public.

Australian Antarctic Adventurers

Have you recently returned from your Antarctic Expedition?
We’d love to have you join us.

ANARE Club’s Antarctic Video and Audio Channel

Welcome to our video and audio channel showing a large range of videos of recent events plus some very interesting archival footage of times gone by. The audio files are actual interviews with ANARE expeditioners telling their tales of past.