Reconnecting with the ANARE Club
/in Uncategorized/by ShepReconnecting with the ANARE Club From time to time the ANARE Club’s National Council reviews its Membership Database for memberships that have lapsed. We reach out to warmly invite those members to consider re-connecting with friends and colleagues from their times in Antarctica, as a returning member of our Club. The ANARE Club has been […]
Oral History Interview – Syd Kirkby
/in Uncategorized/by ShepInterview by Ian Toohill Compiled and edited by Alan Ryan Audio interview with Syd Kirkby AO MBE conducted by Ian Toohill 27 Feb 2024 The latest instalment in our “Oral Histories” series. Ian Toohill interviewed Syd Kirkby (AO, MBE, Polar Medal and Phillip Law Medal Recipient 2020), at his home in Queensland. Together they […]
Antarctic Stations Inform Space Travel
/in News & Events/by ShepIMAS/UTAS Researcher calls for participants in social interaction Rebecca Kaiser is a PhD candidate with University of Tasmania School of Social Sciences and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS). Rebecca’s research aims to investigate the social interactions in Antarctic stations as an analogue for future space travel and habitation. Humanity aims to travel ever […]
2024 National Council Elections
/in News & Events/by ShepThe ANARE Club needs you..! Nominations are now open for the 2024 National Council elections! The 13-member Council manages much of the Club’s activities and projects and we are getting busier all the time. The ANARE Club is in an excellent position to become a national advocate and authority in Australia’s Antarctic history, driving governments […]
Ernest Shackleton’s last ship found
/in News & Events/by ShepShipwreck hunters have discovered the last expedition ship of Sir Ernest Shackleton, the Quest, at the bottom of the Atlantic. Shackleton died of a heart attack at age 47 aboard the Quest when the ship was anchored off the coast of South Georgia. The shipwreck was found in the Labrador Sea, off the coast of […]