When the idea of supplying the ship’s bell for RSV Nuyina was first mooted at an ANARE Club committee meeting, Secretary Trevor Luff said that, with his connections to William Olds & Sons Engineering in Maryborough, Qld, he would be able to have one made to order and, what’s more, he was sure his old engineering mates would donate the bell.

RSV Nuyina Bell

Trevor Luff, Lachlan Hansen, Calen Simpson, Richard Unwin, Peter McKenzie

RSV Nuyina Bell

Peter McKenzie, Richard Unwin and Trevor Luff

Fast forward a few months to 15th July and a small group from ANARE Qld were present to watch the casting of the bell, from metal generously donated by Hayes Metals of New Zealand & Australia.

RSV Nuyina Bell

Crucible ready to pour

RSV Nuyina Bell

Lachlan Hansen & Calen Simpson, apprentices who crafted the bell

RSV Nuyina Bell

Jocelyn Watts (Maryborough Sun), Lachlan Hansen, Calen Simpson, Robert Olds, Dale Jacobsen, Richard Unwin, Peter Olds, Trevor Luff, Peter McKenzie

Two apprentices, Lachlan Hansen and Calen Simpson, were given the task of creating the mould and casting the bell, and they did a magnificent job. After polishing, the bell will make its way to Melbourne into the hands of David Dodd who has prepared a design for the engraving.

Robert Olds right Managing Director of Olds Engineering presents the polished bell to ANARE’s Trevor Luff

Peter Olds left retired Managing Director of Olds Engineering and Trevor Luff load the bell

Top of Nuyina’s bell polished and reading for engraving

Nuyina’s bell polished and reading for engraving