Film by Ian Marchant from his time at Macquarie Island in 1971

Filmed and Edited by: Ian Marchant
Assisted editing by: Alan Ryan

Ian Marchant departing for Mawson Dec 1972


A Video History – on Vimeo

Ian was a Met Observer for the 1971 expedition to Macquarie Island. He took his 8mm film camera with him and shot and subsequently edited this film. Recently he purchased a telecine unit which scanned the film to digital files. He has recently added a lot of supers naming people and describing events.

Ian’s other film:

Macquarie Island Airdrop from a Hercules transport in 1979

The video is taken from a Super 8 movie taken in 1979, thus the quality is not as good as it would be if shot today! The aircraft is an RAAF Hercules, that departed Laverton air base in Victoria, Australia and flew direct to Macquarie Island on 21 September 1979. Unfortunately on arrival at the island, the cloud base was almost down to sea level, not unusual for Macquarie! The flight diverted to Hobart and made a second attempt on 22 September 1979. As the video shows, this time the airdrop was able to take place. What the video doesn’t show is that the aircraft had a technical problem on one engine, causing it to be shut down by the crew. The flight again diverted to Hobart, this time on three engines, where it was met by a second Hercules, with a replacement engine! Quite an adventure.

Ian Marchant’s YouTube Link: 

Ian Marchant monitoring radiosonde flight, Macquarie Island, 1972

Midwinter Group, Macquarie Island, 1971