Vale Julian Rupert (‘Sam”) Sansom

Station Year Season
Amery Ice Shelf 1968 Winter

The ANARE Club has received the sad news of the death of Julian (‘Sam’) who passed away on December 29 at his home in the south east of Norfolk, England, aged 82 years.

He served as medical officer to the 4-man expedition who wintered for the whole of 1968 on the Amery Ice Shelf. This party, the only ANARE/AAP expedition to winter in the field in Antarctica, conducted scientific studies including the first Australian deep ice drill coring, accurate survey to determine ice movement over the shelf and weather analysis. Julian was very much part of all activities which included staying in small caravans or small tents and riding small unenclosed motorized toboggans for thousands of kilometres.

He returned to England, and became a surgeon, practicing till retirement, as well being involved with other medical activities including teaching.

Sansom Island and Sansom Ridge, both near the Amery Ice Shelf, commemorates his significant contribution –including the filming of the movie about the Amery expedition – to Australian Antarctic activities.

Amery Ice Shelf – A Tribute to Julian Rupert Sansom

email received from Max Corry, 21 March 2023