ANARE Club Newsletter

January 2025

Captain John King Davis Memorial update

Members will be glad to know that the project to memorialise Captain John King Davis’s grave is still underway after a lull while we wait for heritage grant applications to open next month. Club President David Dodd & Secretary Melanie Van Twest visited Captain Davis’s grave last week to get some fresh photos for the monumental masons, who are on stand-by. A longer article will appear in next month’s Aurora.

Midwinter Dates for Aurora journal

Could each branch please provide the details for their Midwinter Events for this year to the editor by 1 February. Dale can be contacted at
Could each branch also check their contact details on the national website. Some have bounced, or need updating.

Wooden Boats Festival, Hobart

It’s only three weeks until the Australian Wooden Boats Festival in Hobart, 7-10 February 2025. Past Festivals have featured tall ships and small dinghies that sailed Antarctic waters. There is bound to be something of interest to anyone keen on Australian and international maritime history.

TMAG Ice Box

If you’re a teacher – or know one – with an interest in Antarctica, check out this loan resource courtesy of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG). The Ice Box contains real items to bring alive Antarctica in the classroom, based around 5 themes of wildlife adaptation; human survival; Tasmanian connections; climate change & international cooperation. The Ice Box can be booked & freighted to schools for a period of 2 weeks. What a great idea!

Unsatisfactory postal delays for December Aurora

The President has lodged a complaint with Australia Post about the delays with the circulation of the December Aurora.  At the same time, we have suggested some positive ways in which the Bulk mailing could be improved, a service which is used by many not-for-profit community organisations around the nation.  We expect a response before the month end – and will keep you … posted !

Down South

A reminder that the 4 Australian stations post a weekly update via the AAD website! It’s a great way to keep in touch with what our friends, Club Members and colleagues are doing ‘down south’ in real time. Check out

New SMS Notifications

Another reminder to scan this QR code with your phone’s camera to add our new SMS Notification Service to your contacts, so that you will know that ANARE Club SMS messages are genuine.

Our number is 0481 076 333.

You can scan this QR code with your phone’s camera to add us to your contacts, so that you will know our message is genuine.

Wandering Explorers – Does our Newsletter reach you via your work email? Are you reading this Newsletter on your work computer? We’ve lost touch with a very long list of members who had supplied AAD, BoM, State Government and University email addresses, and later left that job. Employers are reluctant to pass on private contact details to us, so we are left stranded.

Please be sure your member profile lists a personal email address and a mobile number. Log in to our web site to check your profile.

Antarctic Insider

And to stay abreast of what’s happening in the Australian Antarctic Program on shore and off, sign up for Antarctic Insider which is issued every two months.

What’s On? (Keep checking for our next Online Event, not yet listed)