Gary Cooper

Vale – Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper

Station Year Season
Mawson 1969 Winter – Cosmic Ray Physicist
Gary Cooper, Cosmic Ray Physicist, Mawson 1969, died 21st February on his 78th birthday. He is survived by his wife Margaret (Maggie), daughter Sarah and son Andrew. Gary replaced Attila Vrana as CosRay who said he was always jovial and happy, and was known as Mini-Cooper around the University of Tasmania where he worked for a time. He wintered with glaciologist Ian Allison who described Gary as a great contributor to the success of the wintering party that year, and earned the nickname Gino. After his tour down south, Gary worked for many years in the Federal Parliamentary Library in Canberra as a researcher for parliamentarians, specialising in producing briefing papers on scientific topics, before retiring to the south coast of NSW where he was active in many community activities. Our heart-felt sympathies go out to Margaret, Sarah and Andrew at this very sad time.

Email received from David Parer 21 Feb 2020