Entries by webmaster

Mike Cosgrove

Vale Mike Cosgrove Mawson 1959 A friend of Mike Cosgrove, Don Skierk, wrote to tell us that Mike Cosgrove had died recently. Mike had been living in Canada since 1960. Don is keen to make contact with any old friends or family of Mikes and can be contacted at donskerik@gmail.com.

Leon Fox

Vale Leon Fox Heard 53, Mawson 55 Macca 58 and 66, Davis 60 Wilkes 62 and 64 I was contacted by Astrid Simms, the sister of Leon Jennings Fox last night. She told me that Leon had died on Tuesday 22nd February 2011. A service is planned for 2pm Tuesday 1st March, in the garden […]

Ed Reid

Vale Ed Reid Macca 61, Heard 64/65 Fitting farewell for ‘Ed’ by Allison Rogers, 3rd February 2011 Byron Shire News (Byron Bay, N.S.W.) Members of Marine Rescue Brunswick paid a fitting, final tribute to their mate and colleague Edwin Reid from Ocean Shores on Thursday (Jan 27) as their rescue boat safely cleared a big […]

Keith Cole

Vale Keith Cole Macca 56 Keith was the auroral physicist on Macquarie Island in 1956, and is well known to many early ANARE UAP people. Keith then worked at CSIRO until 1962 before spending several years working in America. He returned to Australia in 1966 and was the Foundation Professor of Physics and Head of Theoretical Physics […]

David Wigg

Vale David Wigg Mawson 62 Dr David Wigg, the medical doctor at Mawson in 1962 died on Thursday afternoon 9 December 2010. A number of Mawson 1962 Party have been keeping in touch with David and Christine over the past many weeks when David has been most unwell. David had open heart surgery and during recovery sufferred […]

Desmond Pancho Evans

Vale Desmond Pancho Evans Mawson 58 and Wilkes 62 Multiple Tributes: A friend of Pancho’s has rung to tell us that Pancho died today (15th November 2010) after a short illness. Pancho was the diesel mechanic at Mawson in 1958 and Wilkes in 1962. While at Wilkes he participated in several traverses including Totten Glacier and […]

Max Flutter

Vale Max Flutter Macca 53 and 55, Davis 58 It is with great sadness that I inform you that Max Flutter passed away. Max Flutter was born on 17th May 1917 and passed away in the early hours of the morning of Tuesday 28th September 2010. Max was 93 years of age. Max was one […]

Barney Thorp

Vale Barney Thorp Wilkes 61 We have been advised that Arnold Stuart Thorp (Barney) died on the 5th October 2010. Barney wintered at Wilkes in 1961 as an electrcal fitter mechanic. No further details are available.

Garry Clark

Vale Garry Clark Mawson 74 Bill Griffiths wrote; It is with great sadness that I am obliged to write to the ANARE club to inform you of the death of Garry Clark, motor mechanic Mawson 1974. Shortly before his death Garry asked me to write the enclosed obituary and submit it to the Aurora magazine […]