Bill Denham

Vale Bill Denham Macca 49 and Mawson 61 Bill Denham was a met observer at Macquarie Island 1949 and Mawson 1961. His daughter Debbie Hayman has written to Richard Unwin (QLD branch president) to inform him of her father’s death on the 20th September 2010 at age 88 years. ‘..Dad passed away, very peacefully, last […]

Lindsay Meades

Vale Lindsay Meades Casey 81 The 1981 Casey Expeditioners regret to record the passing of Lindsay Meades, one of our radio operators. He was a great Expeditioner who always had a sparkle in his eyes and was always prepared to go the extra mile if he thought that was needed of him. He was always […]

Rowan Webb

Vale Rowan Webb Mawson 69 Frank ‘Narra’ Johnson wrote: ‘…I’ve just received notification from a friend at University of New England, Armidale NSW advising of the death of Rowan WEBB, Mawson 1969 Physicist…’ No further details are known. Regards Narra The UNE website notes that Rowan had ‘researched plant ecology in the Antarctic, been the […]

John Erskine

Vale John Erskine Mawson 67 Andrew Erskine wrote: A quick message to let you know that my father John Erskine died peacefully yesterday evening.  (25th July 2010) He was 95. My father was the OIC Mawson Expedition 1967-68. He had a life-long fascination with Antarctica, and deeply valued his experience at Mawson and the comradeship there. […]

Des Addicoat

Vale Des Addicoat Davis 91 and Mawson 94 Jennifer Muir wrote: My friend Des Addicoat was an ANARE expeditioner D91 & M94. Sadly, Des has died and since he spoke fondly of the people and his time in the Antarctic, I thought they might appreciate knowing. I spoke to his friend Steve Courser who mentioned that Des […]

“Red” Ryder

Vale “Red” Ryder Mawson 61, Wilkes 63 and 65 Macca 67 and 71 and Davis 73 Mark Forecast and Chompers Currie have informed me of the death of Brian ‘Red’ Ryder on Sunday night 5th September. Born 15.4.1935 at South Grafton, New South Wales, Australia, Red was well known, having been south as a radio […]

Neil Adams

Vale Neil Adams Casey 1994 and Many Summers Dr Neil Adams, the Manager of the Bureau’s Antarctic Meteorological Section, based in Tasmania, died on Friday 23 March 2012 from meningitis after a short illness. Neil’s death is a huge loss to the Bureau and the Antarctic community. He was well known and respected both nationally and internationally […]

Peter Gormly

Vale Peter Gormly:  Casey 73, Mawson, AAD HO and Round Trips 1978 – 1995 Des Lugg and Jeff Ayton have advised of the passing of Dr Peter Gormly, formerly Senior Medical Officer of the Australian Antarctic Division.  Peter died after a brief illness at the Royal Hobart Hospital on 24/3/2012 just shy of his 75th birthday and is […]

Reginald Thomas (Pat) Lee

Vale Reginald Thomas (Pat) Lee Reginald Thomas Lee, PM passed away 6 June 2012. He was 90 years old. Pat Lee, as he is more commonly known, was a member of the City of Parramatta RSL sub-Branch, and a Life Member of the RSL. Pat was that somewhat eccentric character that amused the crowds each […]

Robert Thomas

Vale Robert Thomas Macca 1980s It is with great sadness we report the passing of Robert Thomas. He died peacefully in his sleep due to complications with lung disease and myeloid dysplasia. He was a communications officer on Macquarie Island for two expeditions in the late 80’s. He is survived by his wife and three […]