Bruce “Gangles” Neilson

Vale Bruce “Gangles” Neilson Wilkes 66 and Macca 69 Sad to advise the passing of Bruce “Gangles” Neilson on 6th August at Tatura Victoria. Bruce was a Radio Operator highly regarded by his fellow Expeditioners. He was one of about a dozen of so Radio Operators, over the years, recruited from the Melbourne Chief Telegraph […]

Graham Chittleborough: HI 1949

Vale Graham Chittleborough: HI 1949 It is with great sorrow that I would like to inform you that my husband, Dr. Graham Chittleborough (Heard Island 1949) passed away yesterday September 29 2012. Jaqueline Chittleborough

Alan Charles Hawker

Vale Alan Charles Hawker Macca and Davis 1950s Born: 17 April, 1930. Died: 19 April, 2012. In 1953, he applied for and was accepted as the Radio Operator at the ANARE (Australian  National Antarctic Research Expeditions) base on Macquarie Island. It was during this period he developed a love for the harsh and often inhospitable environment […]

Zeb Jeffrey

Vale Zeb Jeffrey Macca 51 Zeb Jeffrey past away quietly at a Nursing Home near Willunga, SA, aged 88yrs. Zeb is survived byhis wife Gwenda and two children. Zebulon (Zeb) R. Jeffrey, 26 March,1924 — 3 April,1012 Zeb served with the RAAF (pre 1950) and was Radio Physicist, Macquarie Island 1951-52 conducting studies in Ionosphere, Troposphere […]

Alan Parker

Vale Alan Parker Macca 66 and Davis 77 It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Alan Parker who wintered at Macca in 1966 and as OIC at Davis in 1977.  A recipient of the Polar Medal, he passed away peacefully on the night of 26 July. He also lectured on tourist […]

William “Bill” Monkhouse

Vale William “Bill” Monkhouse Macca 48 On 13 August 2012 aged 90 years old, Bill passed peacefully away at home surrounded by his family. Bill was a meteorologist from South Australia who was a member of the first expedition to Macquarie Island in1948 and he reported that the expedition party of 13 mainly comprised scientists. […]

Neil Streten, 1933-2012

Vale Neil Streten, 1933-2012 Neil Streten was a man who loved wild places. He died in Melbourne on 28th August 2012. Neil retired as Deputy Director (Services) in Jan 1997 after 46 years with  the Bureau of Meteorology. He was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1998 for services to meteorology. He […]

Andrew McLaughlin

Vale  Andrew McLaughlin It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Andrew Mc Laughlin aged 51 years at the Lyell McEwin Hospital at Elizabeth in South Australia on 16th October 2012 after a major, courageous battle with cancer for 2 1/2 years. Andy was a Casey 2000 Winter Electrician and he also took on […]

Dr John Hogg – Mawson 1969

Vale Dr  John Hogg – Mawson 1969 HOGG, Emeritus Professor John OAM. 10.1.1943 – 1.3.2013 Dr John Hogg passed away at his home in Wollongong surrounded by his loving family, after a short and brave battle with Metastatic Melanoma. “A gentleman beyond all description”, his loss will be felt by many from old school mates, […]

George Hamm – Mawson 1968- OIC

Vale George Hamm – Mawson 1968- OIC Regret to advise passing of George Hamm.  George was a Licensed Surveyor and operated here in Bacchus Marsh for many years retiring from the business a few years ago. Funeral is Friday April 5th 2pm at St.Bernards Church, Lederderg Street, Bacchus Marsh Regards Noddy- 30/3/13