Jack Ward -MI 50, M55

Vale Jack Ward –MI 50, M55. Jack Ward died on Saturday 14th September 2013 aged 92. He would have been 93 on the 1st October. How to describe Jack…he was quite simply a delight, an absolute gentleman, an astute observer of himself and others. He had a great love of organ music, and appreciation of […]

Peter Neal -M 69

Vale Peter Neal -M 69. In 2013, our sparky Peter (Pommie Pete) Neal died.  His obit was published in Aurora, but he is not included in the 2013 list.  Could you please add Pete to the list. Thanks, Ian Allison, M69 Notified via email 28/4/14

Dr Joseph Chenoweth Whitehouse

Vale Dr Joseph Chenoweth Whitehouse – 1970 Macquarie Island (Medical Officer – 12 months) and 1974 Mawson (Medical Officer – 4 months) This communication is to advise other ANARE Club members of the passing of Dr Joe Whitehouse on 19/5/2014 at Resthaven Aged Care facility, Malvern, South Australia aged 91 years. Kind Regards, Beverley Keipert […]

Norm Linton-Smith

Vale Norm Linton-Smith Prince Charles Mts 1970 Summer Field Non ANARE 1983 Expedition Instrument Fitter / Tech Officer I notice in today’s Herald Sun a funeral notice for Norman Robert Linton-Smith to be held at Inglewood Chapel, 130 Eltham/Yarra Glen Road, Kangaroo Ground Wednesday 14th May 1.30pm. So sadly it has to be Norm who way […]

Bert Jagger- Casey 1975

Vale Bert Jagger- Casey 1975 Just a very quick notice to advise that Bert Jagger (OIC Casey 1975) passed away on 21 May 2014 after a brief illness. I knew Bert through local community activities when we lived in the same area near Braidwood, NSW. We have since moved away, but maintain contact with common […]

Stephen Walker – Sculptor

Vale Stephen Walker – Sculptor News from Pat Quilty of the passing of Stephen Walker, artist and sculptor, on Monday, 16 June. Stephen created many artworks and bronze sculptures throughout Australia including the Leopard Seal and Penguins in front of the Antarctic Division and the statue of Bernacchi and the dogs at Victoria Dock in […]

John Brady – Associate member

Vale John Brady – Associate member Associate Member John Arthur Brady, died 25/4/14. John was a sailor on board HMAS Australia in the winter of 1951 when gravely ill scientist Dr Sergi Uldovicov was rescued from Heard Island. Email fromM.Whitelaw 1 July 2014

Dr Roger Guard- HI 1986 & wife Dr Jill Guard

Sadly Antarctic connection to passengers on MH17 Dr Roger Guard- HI 1986 & wife Dr Jill Guard Peter Keage contacted me today to advise that Dr Roger Guard  who was a member of a small ANARE Expedition to Heard Island 14/11/1986 – 21/1/1987 was aboard the ill fated flight MH17. Sadly Dr Guard and his […]

Thomas Keddie -Macquarie Is 1957

Vale Thomas Keddie -Macquarie Is 1957 My father passed away recently. He spent 15 months in Macquarie Island 1957-58. His name is Thomas Mabon Keddie. A few years ago he received a medal which was due to him because he spent a winter in Antarctica…. His funeral is on July 25 at 1pm. Email from […]

Mike Knox-little – Casey 72, Mawson 74, 76, 79 and 82, Macquarie Island 85 and Davis 1990

Vale Mike Knox-little – Casey 72, Mawson 74, 76, 79 and 82, Macquarie Island 85 and Davis 1990 Sad to advise that this afternoon I took a call from Brian ‘Pud’ Taylor  from Hobart advising me of the passing of KL this morning. Mike had been ill for quite some time. Mike served ANARE at Casey […]