Jack Dart -MI 64, 65,Mawson 69, 71,73,75

Vale Jack Dart -MI 64, 65,Mawson 69, 71,73,75 Macquarie Island 1964 Winter RADIO OFFICER Macquarie Island 1965 Winter TECH OFFICER BIOLOGY Mawson 1969 Winter RADIO OFFICER Mawson 1971 Winter RADIO OFFICER Mawson 1973 Winter RADIO OFFICER Mawson 1975 Winter RADIO OFFICER More sad news I’m afraid. I’ve just been informed by Ian Allison that the […]

Noel Haysom – MI

Vale Noel Haysom – MI Macquarie Island 1949 Winter Scientist Biological I have just taken a phone call from Nina Haysom to advise that husband Noel died last Saturday-29 Nov 2014. The funeral is on Friday. Noel has been unable to attend M/W for the last few years, since going into care. He would have […]

David Arthur Everitt -Davis 1977

Vale David Arthur Everitt –Davis 1977. I am the former wife of Anare Club member David Arthur Everitt (Davis 1977). I regret to inform you that David passed away suddenly on the 3rd Feb 2014 in the UK due to a heart attack resulting from other complications. David leaves behind three children, Clare, Gabrielle and […]

Don Reid

Vale Don Reid Casey 1981 Winter ACS F/MAN Davis 1984 Winter Davis 1986 Winter Macquarie Island 1988 Winter Many of you would have known Don Reid (Casey 81, Davis 84 and 86, Macquarie Island 88) who was for years the clothing store operator at the AAD. Don’s widow, Jenny, has just informed me that he […]

Judy Whelan

Vale Judy Whelan Round Trip 1985 Summer DIV ADMIN

Merv Christensen

Vale Merv Christensen Macquarie Island 1953 Winter WEATHR OBS Mawson 1956 Winter Just had a phone call from the N.T. from the daughter of Merv V Christensen to say that Merv passed away yesterday 4 June in a Brisbane nursing home. Merv served at Macquarie Island in 1953 and Mawson in 1956 as a Weather […]

Bob Jacklyn – Macquarie Is 51, Mawson 56

Vale Bob Jacklyn – Macquarie Is 51, Mawson 56 I have received news from Attila Vrana of the passing of Bob Jacklyn,long time Head of Cosmic Ray Section, Macca 51, Mawson 56, in the RHH on Wednesday afternoon, 18 June. Bob’s funeral will be held at Millingtons, Mornington on Tuesday 24 June at 12:30pm Email […]

Ken Simpson – Macquarie Is 63, 64, 65, 66

Vale Ken Simpson – Macquarie Is 63, 64, 65, 66 Macquarie Island 1963 Summer Biology Macquarie Island 1964 Summer Biology Macquarie Island 1965 Winter BIOLOGY Macquarie Island 1966 Summer Biology I’m writing to inform you that my brother Ken Simpson passed away on 9th July 2014 after a long illness, at the age of 75.Ken was […]

Dr John Gill – Mawson 88

Dr John Gill –  Mawson 88 Just got back from the latest trip and was shocked to hear that our doctor at Mawson in 88, John Gill, died of cancer on 30 July. email from P. Barnaart 22 Aug 2014

Emanuel ‘Pappa George” Hedanek – C79, M81, C83, C86.

Vale Emanuel ‘Pappa George” Hedanek – C79, M81, C83, C86. Brian Jury posted to Facebook in Casey Station Antarctica-21 Sept 14 Its with sadness i post a message sent to me by his daughter It is with great sadness that dad passed away at 6:47 this evening. He is at peace and with mum now. Rest […]