Peter Ormay

Vale- Peter Ormay Station Year Season Job Wilkes 1963 Winter CHIPPY/TO Macquarie Island 1965 Winter Repstat (1968) 1966 Summer Macquarie Island 1967 Winter Macquarie Island 1976 Summer  Hello Everyone, As most of you are aware, our father, Peter Ormay, has been struggling with prostate cancer for the last eight years. Sadly, he passed away in the early […]

William Blance

Vale – William Blance Station Year Season Job Non ANARE 1948 Expedition ABLE SEAMN (LST3501) My father William (Bill) Henri James Blance was on the first Naval Expedition to Heard Island after the second WW. Dad passed away on the 20th February this year. He had been a member of the ANARE Club. He enjoyed […]

Bernard Phillips – Mawson 1969

Vale- Bernard Phillips – Mawson 1969 For information of all who may remember him, Bernard (Mandelkern ) Phillips who served with the Americam Pageos team at Mawson 1969 passed away this month after a short battle with cancer at his home in Aspen. Sadly missed by all. Email from Chris Bain Mawson 69 -22 June 2016 […]

David Graham – RAN – Voy 5 1980

Vale- David Graham – RAN – Voy 5 1980 .. David was taken ill recently as has passed away… Email from D.Wills 19/7/16

Bob Dingle

Vale- Bob Dingle Station Year Season Job Heard Island 1951 Winter MET / OIC Mawson 1954 Winter Macquarie Island 1956 Winter Davis 1957 Winter Wilkes 1959 Winter We received information today on the passing of an ANARE pioneer, Bob Dingle aged 95, at his nursing home in Swansea. Tasmania. Bob was a pioneer weather man […]

Gordon Watson

Vale- Gordon Watson Station Year Season Job Davis 1979 Winter MET Another of our Antarctic Family passed away last Monday week the 21st Nov. Gordon Watson wintered at Davis in 1979 as part of the 3 man Met team. He worked all over Australia during his Met life and spent his last years at the […]

Alan McGregor Johnstone

Vale- Alan McGregor Johnstone Station Year Season Job Davis 1974 Winter MET It is with much regret that I pass on the news of the death of Alan McGregor Johnstone (R65132). Alan, an ex LSROSM served on submarines HMAS Ovens, HMAS Oxley and HMS Tiptoe. AJ would have been 67 in January. I think […]

Phil Incoll

Vale- Phil Incoll Station Year Season Job Round Trip 1977 Summer Architect Phil played a huge part in the development of the Antarctic Rebuilding program from the late 1970s though to the end of the 1990s and maintained a keen interest ever since including the ongoing ANARE dinners. He was both the conceptual architect and […]

Frits van Hulssen

Vale- Frits van Hulssen Station Year Season Job Mawson 1955 Winter RD S/R.PHY Mawson 1959 Winter Have just noticed in today’s Age Newspaper death of Fritz van Hulssen. Mawson 55 and 59. So one of our early members. I remember going past the van Hulssen nunatak during the 65 Frammes Mountains survey. Email from P. […]

Dr Val Lishman

Vale- Dr Val Lishman Station Year Season Job Mawson 1987 Winter Doctor Casey 1985/86 Doctor I recently learnt that Dr Val Lishman – Casey 85/86 has died. I have compiled some of his life achievements and would like to send this to the appropriate person at the ANARE Club for inclusion in the obituaries pages. […]