Phil Incoll

Vale- Phil Incoll Station Year Season Job Round Trip 1977 Summer Architect Phil played a huge part in the development of the Antarctic Rebuilding program from the late 1970s though to the end of the 1990s and maintained a keen interest ever since including the ongoing ANARE dinners. He was both the conceptual architect and […]

Frits van Hulssen

Vale- Frits van Hulssen Station Year Season Job Mawson 1955 Winter RD S/R.PHY Mawson 1959 Winter Have just noticed in today’s Age Newspaper death of Fritz van Hulssen. Mawson 55 and 59. So one of our early members. I remember going past the van Hulssen nunatak during the 65 Frammes Mountains survey. Email from P. […]

Dr Val Lishman

Vale- Dr Val Lishman Station Year Season Job Mawson 1987 Winter Doctor Casey 1985/86 Doctor I recently learnt that Dr Val Lishman – Casey 85/86 has died. I have compiled some of his life achievements and would like to send this to the appropriate person at the ANARE Club for inclusion in the obituaries pages. […]

Donald Dowie

Vale- Donald Dowie Station Year Season Job Mawson 1956 Winter MO I would like to report the death of Donald Alexander (Don) Dowie in Adelaide a few days ago in Adelaide. Don was MO at Mawson Base in 1956. Don and I entered the Adelaide University Medical School in 1948, me straight from school, he […]

Bob Bergin

Vale- Bob Bergin Station Year Season Job Mawson 1961 Winter Radio Operator Macquarie Island 1963 Winter After sending out our MWD invitations I received a call from Joan Bergin advising the passing of Bob Bergin on the 5th April. Bob was a financial member of The Anare Club from 1962 to 1996 & was 88. […]

Peter Tenni

Vale- Peter Tenni Station Year Season Job Macquarie Island 1953 Winter Scientist Physical GEOPHYS I would like to inform you of the death of Peter Tenni on 10 July 2016 following a short illness. My father was a long time member of ANARE Club and retained an interest in Antarctic matters. He was always very […]

Brian Eyre

Vale- Brian Eyre Station Year Season Job Davis 1963 Winter Electronic Technician Met Tech Bryan Eyre of Devonport, … has passed away on the 3 of August. Email from daughter- Liz Pereira 9/8/16

Bill Storer

Vale- Bill Storer Station Year Season Job Macquarie Island 1951 Winter Radio Operator Mawson 1954 Winter Radio Operator This morning , Sunday the 27th November, our dear colleague Bill Storer died. He died at his nursing home in Sydney. Bill’s ANARE connections were Macquarie Island 1951 and 1954 Mawson Station; he served as a radio […]

Ross Anderson

Vale- Ross Anderson Station Year Season Casey 1969 Winter I wanted to pass on that my father, Ross Anderson (1969 Casey Winter) died last week (24 January 2017). His Grandsons love the old pictures of Gradad at Casey. Email received from Derek Anderson 30/01/17 (Phone 0404 221 678)

Steve Harbour

Vale- Steve Harbour Station Year Season Mawson 1970 Winter Mawson 1971 Winter Mawson 1973 Winter To let you know that Steve Harbour passed away at the Royal freemasons Homes in Melbourne on 15/2/17. Steve was well known for his book Antarctic Diaries Mawson 1970 -1974 and his water colour paintings. Email received from Grant Reid […]