Dr Mary Gillham

Vale- Dr Mary Gillham Station Year Season Macquarie Island 1959-60 Summer Dr Mary Gillham passed away 23rd March 2013, aged 91. Mary Gillham was part of the first female ANARE expedition to Macquarie Island in December 1959. Her fellow female scientists were Isobel Bennett, Hope MacPherson and Susan Ingham. She travelled with ANARE for 14 […]

Dr Janet Reynolds

Vale- Dr Janet Reynolds Station Year Season Davis 1992 Winter Casey 1997 Winter Mawson 2000 Winter Doctor Janet Reynolds, who wintered at all three Antarctic mainland stations as medical officer (D92, C97, M00) passed away March 31, 2018, aged 76. She served for many years as a GP in St Ives, NSW, as well as […]

Norman Robert Jew

Vale- Norman Robert Jew Station Year Season Mawson 1968 Winter My father Norman Robert Jew (5 May 1938 ­ 18 June 2018) wintered with ANARE at Mawson in 1968. Dad was a radio technician by trade, and my understanding is that he played a role in communications support for the expedition. Amongst his legacies were […]

Selwyn (“Sel”) Peacock

Vale- Selwyn (“Sel”) Peacock Station Year Season Casey/Davis/Mawson 1990-2001 Summers (Various) Mawson 2002 Winter I have just received the sad news that Selwyn (“Sel”) Peacock passed away this morning. Sel was a Plant Operator for many summers at Casey, Davis and Mawson between 1990 and 2001. He wintered at Mawson in 2002 working on preparations […]

Helmut Sell

Vale- Helmut Sell Station Year Season Casey 1976 Winter Good morning, I am the daughter of Helmut Sell, he was an expeditioner to Casey station in either 1975 or 1976, spending 14 months down there.He passed away on the 27th of August 2018. Would it be possible for his notice to be added to the […]

Fred Elliott

Vale- Fred Elliott Fred Elliott – HI 1953 Station Year Season Heard Island 1953 Winter Mawson 1955 Winter Mawson 1958 Winter It is with a great degree of sadness that I advise you of the death of our esteemed Antarctic colleague and friend, Fred Elliott. After a period of time in hospital he returned to […]

Dr Peter Guy

Vale- Dr Peter Guy Station Year Season Macquairie Is 1974 Winter Mawson 1975 Winter Trevor Luff has advised of the passing of Dr Peter Guy. His funeral was on 23rd January on the Sunshine Coast. Peter was very well known to Qld ANARE and has spent the past few years in Caloundra on the Sunshine […]

Chris Stucki

Vale- Chris Stucki Station Year Season Casey 1988 Winter Chris Stucki, chef at Casey in 1988, died on the 10th March. Chris had Stucki’s Restaurant in Hobart which some of may remember. Chris’ family are having a private funeral. Email received from Jan Adolph 15/03/18

Alfons (Alf) Bolza

Vale- Alfons (Alf) Bolza Station Year Season Macquarie Island 1955 Winter Mawson 1958 Winter I regret to advise you that Alfons (Alf) Bolza died on 28th March 2018, aged 100. He was a weather observer at Macquarie Island and later at Mawson in the 50s. Email received from Joe Bolza 5/04/18

Pat Quilty AM

Vale- Pat Quilty AM Chief Scientist at the AAD 1980-1999 It is with sorrow that I heard that Pat Quilty passed away this afternoon. Pat, as I am sure most of you know, was a Phillip Law Medalist, a Member of the Order of Australia and a very distinguished geologist and geomorphologist with a long […]