Jim (James) Edward Bleasel

Vale- Jim (James) Edward Bleasel It is with great sadness that I write to let you know former Director of the AAD, Jim Bleasel, died in the Royal Hobart Hospital over the weekend. Jim (James Edward Bleasel) headed the Division from 1984-1988. He oversaw a high-tempo period of the Division’s history, with a major rebuilding […]

Peter Leslie Gray

Vale- Peter Leslie Gray Station Year Season Casey 1982 Winter Davis 1985 Winter It is with regret that I pass on the attached obituary for Peter Gray published in the Adelaide Advertiser on 11 Apr 2018. Peter was a member of the Anare Club until 2009 and was a regular attendee at the SA Branch […]

Joan Saxton – founding Member of ANARE Wives.

Joan Saxton – founding Member of ANARE Wives. SAXTON Joan July 1921 – Dec 2015 Joan was a highly regarded member, invaluable supporter and advocate of the Antarctic Family & Friends Association (formerly Antarctic Wives’ Association) of which she was a founding member. She was always an interested and active member and she will be […]

Ian Bruce – Webmaster, Casey 88, MI 1997, plus various summers

Vale Ian Bruce – Webmaster, Casey 88, MI 1997,  plus various summers Ian joined ANARE in 1987, after 12 years in the Australian Army, and wintered as a Radio Technical Officer at Casey in 1988 – the last year that the Tunnel was occupied. Whilst at Casey, Ian was accepted for on-going employment in a […]

Paul Butler

Lisa Roberts

From Lisa Roberts: Below is an anecdote that relates to Phil Law’s significant contribution to arts education. It is the postscript of my PhD thesis, ‘Antarctic Animation: expanding perceptions with gesture and line’ (submitted to the College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales, April 2010), which features the artistic responses to Antarctica of […]

Des Lugg

Des Lugg has written a piece on Phil Law for the Australian Antarctic Magazine, which is produced by the Australian Antarctic Division. Information regarding Phillip Law can be found on the AAD website

John (Snow) Williams

From John (Snow) Williams: I went south in Jan 59 on Magga Dan with the RAAF crew as airframe fitter on the Auster aircraft, Doug Leckie was the pilot and Nev Meredith was the engine fitter for the voyage to relieve Wilkes station and take it over from the US. The trip was to take […]

Ingrid McGaughey

From Ingrid McGaughey: I was lucky enough to meet Phil several times over the last few years. Usually it was at an ANARE function. Of course I knew who he was from photos, and also I guess from the way people around treated him -with respect and affection. I didn’t think he knew me from […]