– Melanie Van Twest

We’ve been made aware (thank you Brett Free!) that a very historic Antarctic boat has come onto the market after being beautifully restored to its glory days.

Macpherson Robertson - aka Lollipop

Macpherson Robertson – aka Lollipop – Photo: Trevor Henkel

The Macpherson Robertson – named for the Melbourne-based confectionery manufacturer and philanthropist who partly funded its construction – acted as ship’s tender (a support boat for larger ships) between 1956 and 1978 during the Dan ships era.  Members from that time may remember seeing the little boat lashed onto the ship’s deck during its 18 expeditions or were lucky enough to have taken a spin on board.

Enquiries are afoot… suffice to say the current owner is very aware of and supportive of the boat’s history, and is very keen to see it go to a worthy home. Which is wonderful news!

Check out the sales listing as it has some amazing historic photos of the boat in action in Antarctica back in the day.

For more information see: