ANARE and Australian Antarctic Commemorative Memorials

Information provided here is derived from many sources.  If you note errors in descriptions or locations please advise us, and include documentary evidence if possible.  If you have clearer photographs please provide us a digital copy.  If you are aware of ANARE and Australian Antarctic Commemorative Memorials not listed here please inform us.

Dan Ships Memorial, 2023

Unveiled at the Dan Ships Commemoration Event, 12 Dec 2023

Dan Ships Commemoration 12 December 2023

The Dan Ships Commemoration was event held in 12 December 2023 at the Mission to Seafarers heritage-listed building in Melbourne’s Docklands, marking both the 70 years since the Kista Dan sailed from Melbourne’s North Wharf, and the unveiling of the bronze plaque to be installed in the nearby Seafarers’ Park. The plaque is a tribute to Antarctic Seafarers and their ships.

See also:

The Dan Ships Memorial Plaque will be installed in the planned nearby Seafarers’ Park, still under construction.

Bellinghausen Bi-Centenary, 2020

Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of Bellinghausen’s 1819 to 1821
expedition and the first sighting of the Antarctic continent

Russian polar explorer Captain Faddei Bellingshausen has a unique place in Antarctic history; an expedition under his command made the first sighting of the Antarctic continent two centuries ago. That expedition, which ran from 1819 to 1821, had a strong link to Australia, as it paid two visits to Sydney in the course of three years, and also went ashore at Macquarie Island, the first visit since its discovery in 1810.

To commemorate the bi-centenary of the expedition and its links to Australia, a reception was held on 30 January in Canberra, co-hosted by the President of the ANARE Club and the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Australia, Dr Alexey Pavlovsky. Some 75 invited guests attended the function, including representatives from the Diplomatic Corps, academia, members of the ANARE Club and of the Russian Community in Australia. They were welcomed by Ambassador Pavlovsky and Past ANARE Club President Dr Joe Johnson on behalf of President Richard Unwin, unable to attend due to COVID travel restrictions.

See also:

Wyatt Earp Plaque, 2019

Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the HMAS Wyatt Earp,
formerly Norwegian Fishing Vessel M/S Fanefjord built Molde, Norway 1919
wrecked as the A/K Natone at Rainbow Beach Queensland Australia 1959

A special commemorative Wyatt Earp 100th Anniversary Luncheon event held at Hadley’s Orient Hotel, Hobart on Friday 27 September 2019, organized by the ANARE Club’s Special Events Committee (Chaired by David Parer with Liz Parer-Cook, David Dodd and Trevor Luff as members). The function was designed to recognize and pay tribute to our veterans and expeditioners who established Australia’s post war Sub-Antarctic and continental Antarctic stations and in the HMAS Wyatt Earp’s case, made the first post-war voyage to the Antarctic Continent, to the vicinity of Commonwealth Bay.

See also:

SY Aurora Plaque, 2017

Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the loss of SY Aurora and all her 21 crew,

after departing Newcastle with a cargo of coal, on 20 June 1917.

On Tuesday 20 June 2017 a moving memorial service was conducted by the ANARE Club in Newcastle Cathedral, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the loss of the SY Aurora. With a crew of 21, Aurora had sailed from Newcastle exactly 100 years before with a cargo of coal bound for Chile, and was lost with all hands off the New South Wales coast in a storm within a day of sailing.

See also:

Endeavour Plaque, 2015

Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Endeavour – AAD

The Endeavour left Macquarie Island on 3 December, 1914 in fog and within 24 hours struck gale force winds and a storm which lasted for two days and was never seen again, despite searches by two ships and by the 1915 party who searched the length and breadth of the Island.

Unveiled at Macquarie Island during Changeover, 14 April 2015

The S. Y. Aurora (Captain Davis) arrived at Macquarie Island in November 1913 bringing the three man 1914 Bureau of Meteorology Party, Harold Power, Meteorologist and Leader, F. J Henderson (Wireless Operator) and J. Ferguson (General Hand) – The Bureau had arranged to take over the AAE Hut and continue daily weather observations.

With the outbreak of the Great War in August 1914, shipping to facilitate the changeover of the 1914/1915 Parties had been difficult to arrange, – the Aurora was undergoing a refit and about to take the Ross Sea Party to McMurdo Sound as part of Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition.

Accordingly, the Fisheries Investigation Ship Endeavour was chartered and arrived at the Island on 28 November 1914 via Hobart (where Charles Harrisson, Mawson’s Western Party Biologist joined the ship for the round trip).

With the unloading and changeover completed, Power and Harrisson, along with 19 officers and crew, including the Commonwealth Director of Fisheries Mr Dannevig, joined the ship for the return voyage to Hobart. Providentially, the two other members of the 1914 Party, Henderson and Ferguson, had decided to stay on the Island for a further year, with Arthur Tulloch, * Leader of the 1915 Party.

The Endeavour left the Island on 3 December 1914 in fog and within 24 hours struck gale force winds and a storm which lasted for two days and was never seen again, despite searches by two ships and by the 1915 party who searched the length and breadth of the Island.

In view of the Great War, it was decided to close the Meteorological and Wireless Station and the last meteorological observations were completed on 30 November 1915. The three man party we picked up by the Rachel Cohen, which reached Bluff, NZ on 13 December 1915.

Mt Power on Macquarie Island is named after Harold and Cape Harrisson in Commonwealth Bay Antarctica is named after Charles Harrisson. Both had descendants living in Tasmania and Victoria.

Unfortunately, by the time that then loss of the Endeavour had been acknowledged in Australia, the Australian Imperial Force had already set sail for Egypt and in the cataclysm of the Great War the loss of these men was largely forgotten.

It is appropriate that a century later, their contribution to Australia’s Antarctic endeavours was recalled and that this permanent memorial to their service be erected. It is most appropriate that this was undertaken by the ANARE Club, the fraternity of all those who have served Australia’s Antarctic ventures in the past century.

“They that go down to the sea in ships and occupy their business in great waters:
these men see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep”.

Following the closure of the Meteorological Station in 1915, it would be another 33 years before the Station was reopened by ANARE in March 1948. In 2018, it will be 70th anniversary of the continuous manning of the Macquarie Island Station and it is possible subject to further research, that it is the longest continuously manned Station in the Sub Antarctic.

ANARE Club 8 April 2015

*Arthur Tulloch enlisted with the AIF on return and was awarded MM in March 1918.

See Also:

The station at Macquarie Island, established by Douglas Mawson operated as a wireless link with Australia during his Australian Antarctic Expedition to Commonwealth Bay and the Shackleton Ice Shelf from 1911 to 1914.  Bureau Meteorologist Harold Power, who had been stationed at Macquarie Island, was among those lost when the relief ship Endeavour foundered.  A memorial to Harold Power was attached to the wall of the lobby of the Bureau’s office at 2 Drummond St, Melbourne. When the Bureau’s Head Office moved to 150 Lonsdale Street in 1974, the memorial was moved to the fifth floor of the new premises. When the Head Office moved to 700 Collins St in 2005, the original memorial was misplaced, and the ANARE Club assisted with a replica of the original memorial.

Antarctic ANZACs Commemoration, 2015

Memorial Board commissioned by the ANARE Club
at the Australian Antarctic Division 2015

The ANARE Club researched and recorded the names of 12 Australian and New Zealand expeditioners who served in the ‘Heroic Age of Antarctic Expeditions’ and who subsequently lost their lives in the First World War. The club commissioned and presented a Memorial Board in honour of these men to the Australian Antarctic Division, which was placed on display at the Division’s headquarters in Kingston, Tasmania in 2015.

The Heroic Age expeditions and their quest to reach the South Pole captured the public’s imagination in the early years of the 20th Century. With the outbreak of the Great War (1914–18), most of the men who were part of these expeditions signed up and paid a terrible price for their patriotism.

The names of the 12 Australian and New Zealand expeditioners who served either as members of a land party or manned the ships, and who lost their lives in the Great War have been recorded. While their names are usually listed on honour boards in their home towns or districts across Australia and New Zealand, their association with the Antarctic expeditions has been lost with the passage of time.

To address this, the Memorial Board honours those men who were part of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911–14 and/or the Aurora Relief Expedition 1916–17; or had served on an earlier expedition and were either born in Australia or New Zealand or born elsewhere and enlisted in the Australian or New Zealand armed forces.

The mens’ fates roughly reflect the involvement of Australia and New Zealand in the Great War — one died at Gallipoli, five on the Western Front, one in Germany, two at sea, one in the Middle East, and two at home. It is also interesting to see the military skills to which they turned their hands — six of the eight sailors chose to serve in the Australian Imperial Force or the New Zealand Expeditionary Force rather than at sea. Lincoln moved to a ‘ship of the desert’, in the Camel Corps. Blake switched from geology to gunnery and Bage from astronomy to engineering. Dennistoun went from caring for ponies to flying. Clearly, adaptability was a characteristic of those early expeditioners!

Able Seaman William Knowles was the first to die. He was part of a small naval raiding party that landed on the Turkish coast in February 1915. Ambushed and forced to retire, Knowles succumbed to his wounds back on board HMS Philomel.

Captain Robert Bage, Mawson’s astronomer and magnetician, was killed at Gallipoli obeying an order that was questionable.

Lieutenant James Dennistoun, in charge of the ponies with Scott’s second expedition, joined the Royal Flying Corps as an observer. He was shot down and severely wounded in June 1916 and died of his wounds whilst a POW on August 9, 1916; the same day Leonard Pettit was killed in France. Later that year Joseph Hancock died of his wounds in France.

In 1917 Francis Desmond was killed-in-action at Messines Ridge and Harry Coombe was killed at Westhock Ridge. They had served together on the SY Aurora, which was herself lost that year with ‘Scottie’ Paton on board (the most experienced sailor of the heroic age), possibly sunk by mines from the German raider Wolf.

Bertrum Lincoln was killed in Jordan in 1918 and is commemorated on the Jerusalem memorial. Captain Leslie Blake, who had mapped Macquarie Island, died of his wounds a little more than a month before the Armistice, almost certainly from friendly fire; described officially and euphemistically as ‘by a stray shell’.

William Kavanagh, who had served on Shackleton’s Imperial Trans Antarctic Expedition (ITAE) and the Aurora Relief, was invalided home as a result of wounds and disabilities. He succumbed to post-war influenza, as did Captain Archibald McLean, who had been twice gassed.

All these men had survived the dangers of the Antarctic yet cheerfully volunteered for the higher risk of the battlefield. They did so that the world might be a better place, and it is most appropriate that their sacrifice be commemorated at the Australian Antarctic Division, the modern home of Australia’s Antarctic endeavour.

Shackleton, dedicating his account of the ITAE, has provided the appropriate words to describe this memorial:

To my comrades who fell in the white warfare of the south and on the red fields of France and Flanders.

Lest we Forget.

Herbert Dartnall, David Dodd and Joe Johnson

See also:

100th Anniversary, Wedding of Douglas Mawson, 2014

Plaque at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Balaclava, 2014

Thanks to the work of David Dodd, a plaque was erected at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Balaclava, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the wedding there of Dr Douglas Mawson and Paquita Delprat. The plaque was presented to the Church congregation at the service on Sunday 30 March 2014. The Vicar and the Bishop of the Southern Region of Melbourne who was in attendance, both welcomed this association Antarctica and have extended a welcome to all ANARE Club members to visit the church.

– Aurora Journal, June 2014, Vol 33 No. 4.

Neptune P2V Memorial, Wilkes, 2012

Sponsored by the Old Antarctic Explorers Association (OAEA, USA)
and members the ANARE Wilkes 1961 wintering party.
The Memorial was erected by Casey Expeditioners, summer 2011/2012.

The plaque, at Wilkes station in East Antarctica, commemorates the victims of a fatal plane accident at Wilkes in 1961, 50 years ago.  The American plane Neptune P2V crashed during take-off on November 9 1961, killing five of the nine people on board.  At the time the crew was returning from a geomagnetic survey to Russia’s Mirny station as part of Operation Deep Freeze and had stopped overnight at Wilkes.

Near Wilkes Station, Antarctica

66°15’36.2″S 110°31’57.3″E

Phillip Law Memorial, 2011

On Sunday 19 June the ashes of Phil and Nell Law were interred
in a cairn on West Arm overlooking Horseshoe Harbour, Mawson

South Magnetic Pole Plaque, Royal Society Vic, 2009

Unveiled by His Royal Highness, the Duke of Gloucester KG, GCVO on 16 January 2009

100th Anniversary of the First Party to Locate the South Magnetic Pole

See: Monuments Australia web site

Service of Remembrance, 1997

Led by Ivan G. Hawthorn, B.E.M., 16 November 1997

A service was held on 16 November 1997 at St Mary of the Angels, Geelong, the congregation including members of the ANARE Club, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of ANARE, and to commemorate the 16 ANARE members who gave their lives in service in Antarctica and sub-Antarctica.  The full mass was written for the occasion by Ivan Hawthorn, and celebrated by the Most Reverend Monsignor Murray PP, EV.

At the end of the service a plaque commemorating those who had lost their lives in service of ANARE was blessed and placed in the church.

See also:

  • Service of Remembrance – Geelong, History of the ANARE Club 1951-2001, pp 145-148.

Husky Memorial, 1997

Unveiled by Dr. Phillip Law A.C., C.B.E., PM., Patron of the ANARE Club on Saturday 25 October 1997

The unveiling of the husky memorial by Dr. Phillip Law A.C., C.B.E., PM., Patron of the ANARE Club took place on Saturday 25 October 1997.

Firstly Brian Harvey explained how he and Rob and Susan Nash commenced some years ago to raise funds for a memorial by a variety of means. Eventually sufficient money was raised so that Brian could commission a professional artist and sculptor, Steve Morvell, to make the model. Steve’s professional background and his philosophical approach to his art are printed below, as an extract from the explanatory pamphlet that John Gillies produced for the memorial. The model
was then cast by Bronze Age Sculpture Studio and Foundry of Moorabbin, Victoria.

Dr. Law explained how huskies first came to be associated with ANARE and the important work they did with the expeditioners. Dr. Law’s speech is printed below; it is an important historical statement. It was also fitting that a number of old ANARE dog-men were present to assist with the unveiling.

See also:

Commemoration Plaque, St Paul’s, 1997

A Service was held in St. Paul’s Cathedral Melbourne, 1997,
remembering those who gave their lives in service of ANARE.

On the afternoon of Friday 24th October 1997 a Service of Dedication and Commemoration was held in St. Paul’s Cathedral. The Dean of Melbourne, the Rt. Revd. James Grant, AM, lead the service. The sermon and a specially commissioned Antarctic Prayer were delivered by the Reverend Leigh Speedy (Cosray physicist at Macquarie Island in 1948). This was a most moving and sensitive service and ideally appropriate to the occasion of remembering those who gave their lives in the service of ANARE. It was made more poignant by the presence of the relatives of many of the deceased. Leigh Speedy’s powerful sermon is printed in Aurora December 1997, Volume 7 No. 2 page 7 for all Club members to read and reflect on. Music was provided by the organist of the cathedral and by the Band of the Royal Australian Air Force. Prayers and lessons were read by Rod Mackenzie, Don Cubit, Malcolm Kirton, Fred Elliott and Brian Harvey. Dr. Des Lugg, representing the Antarctic Division, unveiled the memorial plaque which the ANARE Club had commissioned and which remains on the west wall of the cathedral.

See also:

Nella Dan Memorial, 1989

On 19th March 1989, Senator Graham Richardson unveiled one of the Nella Dan memorial plaques in Melbourne

On 19th March 1989, Senator Graham Richardson unveiled one of the Nella Dan memorial plaques in Melbourne.

This unveiling represented the culmination of many months work by the A.N.A.R.E. Club to erect a memorial to the ship and the working bond that existed between the Danish crew and A.N.A.R.E. members.

Unveiling of the Nella Dan memorial plaque at the Melbourne Maritime Museum, Aurora Journal June 1989, Vol 8 No. 4

Report on the placement and condition of the Nella Dan memorial plaque located on Macquarie Island, Aurora Journal June 1991, Vol 10 No.4

  1. South Wharf, Melbourne
  2. Macquarie Island Isthmus
  3. Casey Accommodation Building (Red Shed)
  4. Denmark, exact location unknown

Antarctic Memorial Kingston, Tas, 1983

A seven tonne boulder from Mawson was erected at Kingston Headquarters
as a monument to those who have died in the Antarctic since 1948.

A seven tonne granite boulder brought from Mawson has been erected in the lawn at Kingston Headquarters as a monument to those who have died in the Antarctic since 1948.

Individual brass plaques inscribed with the names of each expeditioner are affixed to the top of the rock. The plaques are for

  • Charles Scoble (Macquarie Island 1948)
  • John Windsor (Macquarie Island 1951)
  • John Jelbart, (Norwegian, Swedish, British Antarctic Expedition 1951)
  • Richard Hoseason (Heard Island 1952)
  • Alastair Forbes (Heard Island 1952)
  • Harley Robinson (Wilkes 1959)
  • Robert White (Mawson 1963)
  • Frank Soucek (Macquarie Island 1967)
  • Reginald Sullivan (Wilkes 1968)
  • Brenton Sellick (Macquarie Island 1971)
  • Ken Wilson (Mawson 1972)
  • Keith Andrews (Macquarie Island 1972)
  • Geoff Cameron (Mawson 1974)
  • Roger Barker (Macquarie Island 1979)
  • Geoff Reeve (Casey 1979)
  • Stephen Bunning (Davis 1985)
  • Martin Davies (Davis 1995)
  • Peter Orbansen (Davis 2005)
  • Perry Andersen (Mt Elizabeth 2013)
  • Mike Denton (Mt Elizabeth 2013)
  • Bob Heath (Mt Elizabeth 2013)
  • Elmer Mortensen (Nella Dan 1963)
  • Roald Roenholm (Thala Dan 19??)
  • Kim Nielsen (Nella Dan 19??)

The memorial was dedicated by the Rev. Bob Imms, Antarctic Division industrial chaplain, on Midwinters Day, 22nd June, 1983, and flowers were placed by Mrs. Margaret Manning, representing the Antarctic Wives Association, and Murray Price on behalf of the ANARE Club. Mr. C. McCue, Director, addressed the gathering.

See also:

Centenary Monument, Royal Society of Victoria, 1959

A boulder transported from Mawson to commemorate 100 years of the Royal Society of Victoria

A glacial boulder transported by the Antarctic Division of the Department of External Affairs and mounted on four posts from Mawson Antarctica commemorates 100 years of endeavour by the Royal Society, especially its interest in Antarctic exploration and research.


1859 – 1959.

This monument was unveiled by the Patron of the Society,
His Excellency, the Governor of Victoria, General Sir Dallas Brooks,
K.C.B., K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., D.S.O., K.St.J. 7th December 1959

This Glacial Boulder Brought From Mawson, Antarctica,
By The Antarctic Division Of The Department Of External
Affairs Has Been Set Up To Commemorate The Completion
Of One Hundred Years Of Endeavour By This Society In
Its Work For The Advancement Of Science, And To Mark Its
Special Interest In Antarctic Exploration And Research.

See Also: