Who We Are
The ANARE Club was formed in 1951 so members of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE) could stay in touch and celebrate their shared experiences. ANARE was run from 1947 by the Australian Antarctic Division and is now called the Australian Antarctic program based in Tasmania. Each year it sends teams south to research stations at Macquarie Island, Mawson, Davis & Casey. Returned expeditioners can join the ANARE Club to maintain friendships, access resources and stay in touch with what’s happening down south. The Club is also open to anyone interested in the Antarctic.
What We Do
Members receive a monthly Newsletter, a quarterly journal called the “Aurora”, are kept informed of Midwinter dinners held in June in each of the States, are invited to take part in annual Video Teleconferences with our Antarctic Stations, can log in and connect with friends and search our online resources about current and past events.
Our National Council
We have a National Council overseeing the workings of the Club as well as representation in each State. National Council meets quarterly often in different States and holds an AGM around August where office bearers are elected for the following year.
ANARE Club National Council Office Bearers 2024-2025:
- President
- – David Dodd
- Immediate Past President
- –
- Vice President
- – Kevin Shepherd
- Secretary
- – Melanie Van Twest
- Treasurer
- – Denise Allen
- Membership Officer
- – Barend Becker
- Sales Officer
- – TBA
- Information Technology
- – Kevin Shepherd
- Aurora Editor
- – Dale Jacobsen
- Club Historian
- – Ian Toohill
- Councillors (not included above, alphabetically by family name)
- David Ellyard,
- Ron Hann,
- Jenna Kelley,
- Trevor Luff,
- Duncan MacKenzie
- (+ vacant)
- (+ vacant)
Our State Branches
We have representation in each State who liaise with members within their state, and work together with our National Council to manage functions and events.
Our Branch Presidents and Secretaries 2024-25
ACT | Malcolm Robertson | Kit Scally | ACT Branch Home Page |
NSW | David Ellyard | Lucinda Coates | NSW Branch Home Page |
QLD | Richard Unwin | Graham Pryde | QLD Branch Home Page |
SA | Mostyn Hetzel | Mark Spooner | SA Branch Home Page |
TAS | Jan Adolph | Lauren Wise | TAS Branch Home Page |
VIC | John Gillies | Chris Gamgee | VIC Branch Home Page |
WA (South) | Peter Stickland | – | WA Branch Home Page |
WA (North) | Bruce Alden | – | WA Branch Home Page |
How do I Nominate for National Council
As a ANARE Club Member, you may nominate for national Council around 1 June each year. Nominations are normally notified in Aurora Magazine and a News Post on our website. Click on the link below to check our current Nomination period and if you can nominate now.
Our History
The Club was founded in 1951 by veterans of the first ANARE. The inaugural meeting of the ‘ANARE Ex-Member Association’ took place at J Block, Albert Park Barracks, on Monday 22nd October 1951. The meeting was convened by Alan Campbell-Drury, following discussions with Phillip Law, director of the Antarctic Division. Law was elected president, Campbell-Drury secretary, and Lem Macey assistant secretary. A further meeting on 29 October decided that the organisation would be called the ‘ANARE Club’.
Initially, the majority of ANARE expeditioners were from Victoria; because the ANARE office was based at Victoria Barracks in St Kilda Road, Melbourne, and early recruitment was largely by word of mouth or via the ‘old boy’ network. With time, however, more and more ANARE members were recruited from other states, and even overseas.
Today a number of states have active ANARE Club Branches under the umbrella of the Melbourne-based National Council and other regions have ANARE activities without the formality of a branch being formed. Although Victoria still has the greatest number of ANARE Club members, there are also large numbers in the other states, territories and overseas.
Many of the State Branches maintain their own websites; these websites advertise local news and events, and present articles which reflect particular Branch interests.
Our Rules of Association
The ANARE Club Rules of Association, also known as Our Constitution.
Our Policies
PRIVACY and the ANARE Club
Adoption of Club Privacy Policy Statements
The Privacy and Protection of Personal Information gathered by organisations in Australia has been the centre of debate during the past 18 months and has caused State and Federal Governments to introduce privacy laws and / or to update existing regulations.
In Victoria the updated the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, passed in August 2022, now sets out a series of Information Privacy Principles (IPPs), essentially ten common-sense statements which any state organisation, including the Club as a Not-for-Profit Organisation, should now adopt its own Privacy Policy Statement and a (short version) public statement, about the way the Club handles and protects member’s personal information.
Read More
Accordingly, the 2022-2023 National Council at its meeting on 19 August 2023 adopted the following comprehensive Privacy Policy Statement and a short form version. In doing so, the Council agreed to establish a Privacy Committee to review the day-to-day management of member’s personal information and at the same time monitor and implement any changes to the Infomation Privacy Principles (IPPs) issued by the Federal and Victorian State Privacy authorities.
References to both policy statements have been lodged on the Club’s website and will appear ultimately as a reference in our Rules of Association.
Antarctic Heritage Project
The “material culture” of our Australian Antarctic heritage takes on many forms.
Some of it can be seen on display at various collecting institutions, some of it forms part of research collections held by the same institutions and can be accessed by request.
Click here to enquire if you have heritage items you may wish to preserve for the Club: Antarctic Heritage Project – Call to Action
Antarctic Service Awards
Including Information regarding unclaimed retrospective Australian Antarctic Medallions
Antarctic Service Awards have been awarded to expeditioners in recognition of their service to Antarctica.
The retrospective issue of the Australian Antarctic Medallion recognises ANARE service for the period between the issue of the Imperial Polar Medal, and current issue of the Antarctic Service Medallion to wintering expeditioners. Circumstances varied but across the five stations, Heard Island, Macquarie Island, Mawson, Davis and Wilkes the period of concern spanned the years 1948 to 1972. The issue was announced by the Parliamentary Secretary for the Antarctic, Senator Ian Macdonald, in a press release of 31 October 1997.
Any expeditioners or next of kin identified in connection with the attached list, should be contacted and invited to contact Reception, at the Australian Antarctic Division on 03 6232 3209, for details regarding claiming medallions.