Vale Peter Paish

Re Funeral of Peter Paish 17 December 2020 at 3.00pm (WA Time)

Please see below for the LIVESTREAM link for the Funeral Service of Peter Paish at Karrakatta Cemetery at 3.00pm on Thursday 17th of December 2020.

Peter Paish by IMP 2

Watch IMP 2’s Peter Paish on Mareena Purslowe Funeral Service at Karrakatta Cemetery

Station Year Season
Wilkes 1961 Winter
Mawson 1963 Winter

The Club regrets to announce the passing of Peter Paish, Wilkes 1961, Mawson 1963, Weather Observer in Charge (63).

Peter passed away after a long illness on 5 December 2020 and will be remembered by the Wilkes and Mawson parties as an outstanding expeditioner. I first met Peter when I joined the Snowy Mountains Authority’s Spencers Creek Weather Station in 1959 and the three of us, Peter, Sepp Stadler ( now living in Bavaria) and myself went South in 1961 –Peter and Sepp to Wilkes and I to Macquarie. Peter led a remarkable life on return from Mawson in 1964, which is chronicled by his wife, Judy and will appear in the forthcoming Aurora.

Peter will be farewelled at a funeral to be held in the Brown Chapel, Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth  tomorrow 17 December 2020 at 3.00pm (WA time) .

Live streaming arrangements are awaited and will be provided as soon as they made available

Email received from David Dodd, 16 December 2020

Born 13 December 1936, Died 7th December 2020

Peter died in hospital in Perth WA after a protracted illness leaving behind his wife Judith and daughter Kylie and son David.

Peter’s first expedition with ANARE was to Wilkes in 1961, where he was a Weather Observer, He then returned to the Antarctic in 1963 with the 10th ANARE expediton to Mawson the I/C Meteorology.

His on-line funeral service which will be shown on the 17th December at 3;00 pm (WA Time).

Regards Ray ( The Gaffer ) McMahon.