Queensland MWD 2024
Brisbane Midwinter Dinner 2024
Queensland Branch Midwinter Dinner 21 June 2024.
The Queensland branch hosted a magnificent Midwinter Dinner at Tattersalls’ Club in Brisbane on Friday 21 June. The evening got off to a brisk start with election of office bearers for the next 12 months in Queensland. Richard Unwin was re-elected President, Graham Pryde, Treasurer. With the standing down of Peter Field, Graham took on the double role of Secretary. Committee members include Trevor Luff, Andrew Brooks, Dave Bishop, Peter Thompson, Victor Watt and Dale Jacobsen (who was nominated as Queensland rep on National Council.)
With the AGM over (pretty quickly), we welcomed around 60 guests who shared in the camaraderie, listened to stories, relived memories. One of the many highlights of the evening was welcoming 17 Caseyites and partners for their 40th anniversary reunion (1984). They came from all over, even Victoria, to celebrate.
We toasted King Charles, ANARE and Absent Friends.
Our guest speaker for the evening, Neil Conrick – one of the Casey group – told of life at Casey in 1984. It must have given the younger ones something to think about.
We held our usual raffle. Prizes included a selection of mounted historic photos (by David and Liz Parer) that had formed part of the Heard Island 70th (2017), Macquarie Island 70th (2018) and Mawson 65th (2019) anniversary functions in Hobart. Sadly, Trevor Luff, our raffle ticket seller extraordinaire and auctioneer was unable to attend.
We held an auction with two lots to raise money to go towards the production of our 75th anniversary book of the formation of our Club, to be released in 2026. Herman Schafellner (chef at Davis 18/19 and 21/22 and Casey 19/20) is now the proud owner of two David Nielsen coffee table books, and Doug Green (chippie, Casey 83, 85) the proud owner of Russian and Chinese bronze medallions from 1993.
Calling the Years was a truncated affair given the large numbers present, but included the oldest (David Carstens, Mawson 61/62) to the latest (Chris Bayly C 2019/20 Mawson 2020/22). Victor Watts finished the Calling with a moving poem, entitled My Continent. An ode to HIS country (Antarctica).
This year, National Council decided to acknowledge some stalwarts who have been the backbone of the Club for many years. Qld President, Richard Unwin, presented a certificate of appreciation on behalf of National Council to David Carstens in recognition of his continuing outstanding service to the affairs of the ANARE club. On 24 June 1961 David, with seven others, attended the inaugural Qld MWD at the Men’s Club, Warwick, organised by Bob Lacey.