Vale Russell Rachinger

Russell Rachinger, Station Leader, Casey 1987. Photo: Kevin Christensen
Station | Year | Season |
Casey | 1987 | Winter |
Sadly we advise that Russell Rachinger passed away on December 14, 2023
(As advised by Kevin Christensen, 19 December 2023)
The ANARE Club extends our heartfelt sympathy to the family and many friends of Russell
Funeral – The Holy Trinity Church in Ararat on 28th December 2023
Russell Rachinger
(22/11/1932 – 14/12/2023)
Station Leader, Casey 1987
From Kevin Christensen
Russell lived an active life of service to the community and a career encompassing the Army, Antarctic Expedition Leader, Ararat Regional Development Board and Wool Grower.
A mentor and inspiration to his family and the 1987 Casey Expeditioners. He will be sadly missed.
From AAD:
Russell Rachinger was Station Leader at Casey in 1987. Whilst there he revised the safety procedures on the station, recommended operational procedures for travel on sea ice in the area and raised the environmental standards around the station.
Russell was acutely aware of the need to preserve the Antarctic environment. He organised the identification, packaging and return to Australia of over 40 tonnes of waste materials and surplus stores. Russell also participated in a variety of field operations including one glaciological traverse as a support member in the research team.
Russell received the Antarctic Medal in 1989